A Bigot by Any Other Name...:
Are you an Open Source Bigot?
I’ve been responsible for hiring many software engineers. I tend to ask lots of elaborate technical questions so I can really get to know how the candidate thinks and works with me while solving hard problems. QA engineers will appreciate this one (it’s a “negative test” for intellectual honesty): “Explain the relative strengths and weaknesses of FreeBSD, Windows NT, Solaris, and Linux.”
Affine Romance:
Buyer (and seller) beware
There’s a British idiom, “Suck it and see,” the epitome of skepticism, which despite its coarse brevity could well replace whole libraries of posh philosophic bigtalk about the fabric of reality. A less aggressive version is “Show me, I’m from Missouri,” which requires the proper Southern Mizoorah drawl for maximum impact. Wherever you’re from, the message is one of eternal vigilance in the face of fancy claims.
All Things Being Equal?:
New year, another perspective
By the time these belles-lettres reach you, a brand new year will be upon us. Another Year! Another Mighty Blow! as Tennyson thundered. Or as Humphrey Lyttelton (q.g.) might say, "The odious odometer of Time has clicked up another ratchette of entropic torture." Less fancifully, as well as trying hard not to write 2007 on our checks, many of us will take the opportunity to reflect on all the daft things we did last year and resolve not to do them no more. Not to mention all the nice things we failed to do. I have in mind the times when I missed an essential semicolon, balanced by the occasions when inserting a spurious one was equally calamitous.
Errors, deceptions, and abmiguity
Three years ago, to the very tick, my first Curmudgeon column appeared in ACM Queue to the rapturous, one-handed claps of the silent majority. Since then my essays have alternated intermittently with those of other grumpy contributors. With this issue (muffled drumroll), I’m proud to announce a Gore-like climate change in the regime that will redefine the shallow roots of ACJ (agile computer journalism, of which more anon). The astute ACM Queue Management (yes, there is such - you really must read the opening pages of this magazine!) has offered me the chance to go solo. For the next few Queues, at least, I am crowned King Curmudgeon, the Idi Amin of Moaners, nay, Supreme General Secretary of the Complaining Party!
Anything Su Doku, I Can Do Better:
The new puzzle craze from japan is sweeping the world, and testing our Boolean logic.
I dedicate this essay in memoriam to Jef Raskin. Many more authoritative tributes than I can muster continue to pour in, and no doubt a glorious Festschrift will be forthcoming from those who admired this remarkable polymath. "Le don de vivre a passé dans les fleurs."
As Big as a Barn?:
Taking measure of measurement
The Texas rancher is trying to impress the English farmer with the size of his property. "I can drive out at dawn across my land, and by sundown I still haven’t reached my ranch’s borders." The Englishman nods sympathetically and says, "Yes, yes, I know what you mean. I have a car like that, too."
But, Having Said That, ...:
80 percent of the useful work is performed by 20 percent of the code.
A persistent rule of thumb in the programming trade is the 80/20 rule: "80 percent of the useful work is performed by 20 percent of the code." As with gas mileage, your performance statistics may vary, and given the mensurational vagaries of body parts such as thumbs, you may prefer a 90/10 partition of labor. With some of the bloated code-generating meta-frameworks floating around, cynics have suggested a 99/1 rule - if you can locate that frantic 1 percent. Whatever the ratio, the concept has proved useful in performance tuning.
Call That Gibberish?:
Detecting the real from the fake is getting harder.
The Ninth World Multiconference SCI (Systematics, Cybernetics, and Informatics) 2005 has attracted more attention than its vaporific title usually merits by accepting a spoof paper from three MIT graduate students. The Times (of London, by default, of course) ran the eye-catching headline, “How gibberish put scientists to shame” (April 6, 2005). One of the students, Jeremy Stribling, explains how they had developed a computer program to generate random sequences of technobabble in order to confirm their suspicions that papers of dubious academicity were bypassing serious, or indeed, any scrutiny. In fact, the students claim ulterior, financial motives behind this lack of proper peer review.
Comments are More Important than Code:
The thorough use of internal documentation is one of the most-overlooked ways of improving software quality and speeding implementation.
In this essay I take what might seem a paradoxical position. I endorse the techniques that some programmers claim make code self-documenting and encourage the development of programs that do “automatic documentation.” Yet I also contend that these methods cannot provide the documentation necessary for reliable and maintainable code. They are only a rough aid, and even then help with only one or two aspects of documentation—not including the most important ones.
DOA with SOA:
Adopting this architectural style is no cure-all.
It looks like today is finally the day that we all knew was coming. It was only a matter of time. An ambulance has just pulled up to haul away Marty the Software Manager after his boss pummeled him for failing to deliver on promises of money savings, improved software reuse, and reduced time to market that had been virtually guaranteed merely by adopting SOA (service-oriented architecture). Everything could have been so different for Marty. If only there had been a red-hot market for a software application that fetched the price of London gold, converted the price from pounds to dollars, calculated the shipping costs for the desired quantity, and then returned a random verse from the King James Bible.
Damnéd Digits:
Floating in the real world of real numbers
I remind you, first, that "damnéd" has two syllables, calling for a Shakespearean sneer as sneered by Olivier strutting his King Richard III stuff.
Evolution or Revolution?:
Where is the High in High Tech?
We work in an industry that prides itself on "changing the world," one that chants a constant mantra of innovation and where new products could aptly be described as "this year’s breakthrough of the century." While there are some genuine revolutions in the technology industry, including cellphones, GPS (global positioning system), quantum computing, encryption, and global access to content, the vast majority of new product introductions are evolutionary, not revolutionary. Real technical breakthroughs are few and far between. Most new products are just a recycling of an earlier idea.
Facing an Uncertain Past:
Excuses, excuses, excuses!
Using my favorite Greek passive-present-neuter participle (I trust you have one, too), I offer a dramatic prolegomenon to this overdue column. To wit, an apology and an explanation for its tardiness. (You’ll notice the potentially unending recursion, since both column and excuses are late.) The apology is easy: we Brits just say "Jolly sorry, actually," and project a pained sincerity, whether we mean it or not.
File under "Unknowable!":
It’s been ahard day’s night—proving nonexistence!
The Yellow Pages used to advertise along the following lines: “If you can’t find it here, it does not exist.” Shannan Hobbes, my favorite epistemologist, and I would ponder this claim well into the wee hours, testing its validity by searching for vendors of “Square Circles,” “Pet Unicorns,” “Cold Fusion,” “The Largest Prime Number,” “Reigning Bald Kings of France,” and similar quiddities oft debated in the PhilTrans (Philosophical Transactions). Our mounting failures—or, to quickly remove the scandalous ambiguity—our growing number of “not founds” amounted to some sort of inductive verification (of which, more anon). The Yellow Pages, considered as a merely finite hierarchy of marketable strings, has nothing much to tell us of contingent, objective existence.
From This Moment On:
Divining the future of computers with computers
Science fiction seems to have spawned two divergent subgenres. One, which is out of favor, paints a bright future for us, assuming an optimistic, Darwinian "perfectability." These scenarios project an ever-expanding (or rather, a never-imploding) cosmos with ample time for utopian evolutions.
IM, Not IP (Information Pollution):
A steady dose of realtime interruptions is toxic to anyone’s health.
Respected technology commentators say that they now prefer instant messaging (IM) over e-mail as their medium of choice for computer-mediated communication. The main reasons are that e-mail has become an overloaded channel for readers and that you can’t be sure to get a timely response from the recipients of your e-mail.
It Isn’t Your Father’s Realtime Anymore:
The misuse and abuse of a noble term
Isn’t it a shame the way the term realtime has become so misused? I’ve noticed a slow devolution since 1982, when realtime systems became the main focus of my research, teaching, and consulting. Over these past 20-plus years, I have watched my beloved realtime become one of the most overloaded, overused, and overrated terms in the lexicon of computing. Worse, it has been purloined by users outside of the computing community and has been shamelessly exploited by marketing opportunists.
Like a Podcast in the Sea: Mean ol’ LoTech Blues:
Is it just a matter of semantics?
Mache Creeger’s general pessimism about IT’s status quo rests on his perception that HiTech (the character- and tree-saving token for High Technology, somewhat, if not totally, vitiated by this long-winded, unnecessary explanation) is not quite Hi enough. IT relies too much on dreary, evolutionary gradualism rather than on the exciting Kuhnian discontinuities that spell revolution and paradigm shifts. I have no qualms about Creeger’s observation that the marketeers, both commercial and academic (if such categories can be distinguished in these pursy PC times), are fond of paint jobs - coloring the most modest upgrades with claims of major, must-have breakthroughs. This is an ancient and, alas, effective promotional ploy in other trades.
Linguae Francae:
Is programming language a misnomer?
Many linguists are still busy trying to reconstruct the single ur-language presumed to have evolved over untold millennia into the thousands of human tongues - alive and dead, spoken and written - that have since been catalogued and analyzed. The amazing variety and complexity of known languages and dialects seems, at first parse, to gainsay such a singular seed.
Mal Managerium: A Field Guide:
I have seen the enemy, and he is me.
Please allow me the pleasure of leading you on an “office safari,” so to speak. On today’s journey we’ll travel the corridors of computerdom in search of the widespread but elusive mal managerium, or bad manager, in common parlance. They will be difficult to spot because we will be in a sense looking for that most elusive creature of all: ourselves. That is to say, it’s quite possible that many of us will share some of the qualities with the various types of bad managers we shall encounter. Qualities that we are loath to admit we possess, I might add.
Multicore CPUs for the Masses:
Will increased CPU bandwidth translate into usable desktop performance?
Multicore is the new hot topic in the latest round of CPUs from Intel, AMD, Sun, etc. With clock speed increases becoming more and more difficult to achieve, vendors have turned to multicore CPUs as the best way to gain additional performance. Customers are excited about the promise of more performance through parallel processors for the same real estate investment.
Ode or Code? Programmers be Mused!:
Is your code literate or literary?
My sermon-text this grumpy month is Matt Barton’s article “The Fine Art of Computer Programming”, in which he extols the virtues of what is widely called literate programming. As with the related terms literary and literature, we have ample room for wranglings of a theological intensity, further amplified by disputes inherent in the questions: “Is computer science or art?” and “What do programmers need to know?” Just as we must prefer agile to clumsy programming, it’s hard to knock anything literate.
One Peut-Être, Two Peut-Être, Three Peut-Être, More:
Puns and allusions
One is always loath to explain a joke. In face-to-face badinage, the joker can judge the comprehension of the jokes from their immediate reactions. Failing to win the approving smiles, chuckles, or belly laughs, the raconteur has a choice of remedies including the Quick Exit Strategy ("What a dumb crowd. I’m out of here!"). The modest teller will accept the blame ("Oh, I forgot to mention that the mother-in-law was a blond Republican Fortran programmer!") and order drinks all around.
Programming in Franglais:
Six of one, half a dozen of d’autre
When I was studying French in high school, we students often spoke “Franglais”: French grammar and words where we knew them, English inserted where our command of French failed us. It was pretty awful, and the teacher did not think highly of it. But we could communicate haltingly because we all had about the same levels of knowledge of the respective languages. Today, there is a kind of programmer’s Franglais that is all too pervasive. Those who are old enough will remember the pitched controversy in the late 1960s and early 1970s over whether compilers, operating systems, and other systems programs should be written in assembly code or a high-level language.
Seeking Compliance Nirvana:
Don’t let SOX and PCI get the better of you
Compliance. The mere mention of it brings to mind a harrowing list of questions and concerns. For example, who is complying and with what? With so many standards, laws, angles, intersections, overlaps, and consequences, who ultimately gets to determine if you are compliant or not? How do you determine what is in scope and what is not? And why do you instantly think of an audit when you hear the word compliance? To see the tangled hairball that is compliance, just take a look at my company.
Software Development Amidst the Whiz of Silver Bullets...:
A call to Transylvania may be needed.
Veterans of the software industry will attest to having seen a number of silver bullets come and go in their time. The argentum projectiles of yesteryear, such as OO, high-level software languages, and IDEs, are now obvious to have been only low-grade alloys compared with the fine silver being discharged today. For example, today’s silver bullets have demonstrated an unparalleled ability to provide implicit value to both text and diagrams, the power to shift the economics of software development, and a capacity to change the focus of long-established engineering disciplines.
Solomon’s Sword Beats Occam’s Razor:
Choosing your best hypothesis
I’ve told you a googol times or more: Don’t exaggerate! And, less often, I’ve ever-so-gently urged you not to understate. Why is my advice ignored? Why can’t you get IT... just right, balanced beyond dispute? Lez Joosts Mildews, as my mam was fond of sayin, boxing both my ears with equal devotion. Follow the Middle Way as Tao did in his Middle Kingdom. Or "straight down the middle," as golfer Bing Crosby used to croon. His other golf song was "The Wearing of the Green," but such digressions run counter to my straight, plow-on-ahead advice.
Some Rules and Restrictions May Apply:
An inquiry into contracts and the Next Big Thing
In many of our interactions with the outside world (solipsists can stop reading now, if indeed they ever started) we enter into contracts with diverse entities, some up front, some lurking below the surface. The commonly construed contractual theme is a mutual agreement where each party accepts certain costs and responsibilities, and in return can rely on certain benefits and rewards.
Some Swans are Black:
…and other catastrophes
You may well expect from my title that I’m about to plumb the depths of Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s theories on catastrophe and quasi-empirical randomness. I, in turn, expect that you’ve already read Taleb’s best-selling The Black Swan—The Impact of the Highly Improbable dealing with life’s innate uncertainties and how to expect or even cope with the unexpected.
Stop Whining about Outsourcing!:
I’m sick of hearing all the whining about how outsourcing is going to migrate all IT jobs to the country with the lowest wages.
The paranoia inspired by this domino theory of job migration causes American and West European programmers to worry about India, Indian programmers to worry about China, Chinese programmers to worry about the Czech Republic, and so on. Domino theorists must think all IT jobs will go to the Republic of Elbonia, the extremely poor, fourth-world, Eastern European country featured in the Dilbert comic strip.
Syntactic Heroin:
A dangerous coding addiction that leads to a readability disaster.
User-defined overloading is a drug. At first, it gives you a quick, feel-good fix. No sense in cluttering up code with verbose and ugly function names such as IntAbs, FloatAbs, DoubleAbs, or ComplexAbs; just name them all Abs. Even better, use algebraic notation such as A+B, instead of ComplexSum(A,B). It certainly makes coding more compact. But a dangerous addiction soon sets in. Languages and programs that were already complex enough to stretch everyone’s ability suddenly get much more complicated.
The Calculus Formally Known as Pi:
The hype over the pi-calculus
Dominic Behan once asked me in a rare sober moment: “What’s the point of knowing something if others don’t know that you know it?” To which I replied with the familiar, “It’s not what you don’t know that matters, it’s what you know that ain’t so.” I was reminded of these dubious epistemological observations while reading Stephen Sparkes’ interview with Steve Ross-Talbot in the March 2006 issue of ACM Queue.
The Code Delusion:
The real, the abstract, and the perceived
No, I’m not cashing in on that titular domino effect that exploits best sellers. The temptations are great, given the rich rewards from a gullible readership, but offset, in the minds of decent writers, by the shame of literary hitchhiking. Thus, guides to the Louvre become The Da Vinci Code Walkthrough for Dummies, milching, as it were, several hot cows on one cover. Similarly, conventional books of recipes are boosted with titles such as The Da Vinci Cookbook—Opus Dei Eating for the Faithful. Dan Brown’s pseudofiction sales stats continue to amaze, cleverly stimulated by accusations of plagiarism and subsequent litigation.
The Cost of Data:
Semi-structured data is the result of economics.
In the past few years people have convinced themselves that they have discovered an overlooked form of data. This new form of data is semi-structured. Bosh! There is no new form of data. What folks have discovered is really the effect of economics on data typing—but if you characterize the problem as one of economics, it isn’t nearly as exciting. It is, however, much more accurate and valuable. Seeing the reality of semi-structured data clearly can actually lead to improving data processing. As long as we look at this through the fogged vision of a “new type of data,” however, we will continue to misunderstand the problem and develop misguided solutions to address it.
The Economics of Spam:
Who pays in the spam game?
You know what I hate about spam filtering? Most of what we do today hurts the people who are already being hurt the most. Think about it: Who pays in the spam game? The recipients. That’s what’s wrong in the first place - the wrong folks pay for this scourge.
The Fabrication of Reality:
Is there an "out there" out there?
There are always anniversaries, real or concocted, to loosen the columnist’s writer’s block and/or justify the intake of alcohol. I’ll drink to that to the fact that we are blessed with a reasonably regular solar system providing a timeline of annual increments against which we can enumerate and toast past events. Hic semper hic. When the drinking occurs in sporadic and excessive bursts, it becomes known, disapprovingly, as "bingeing." I’m tempted to claim that this colorful Lincolnshire dialect word binge, meaning soak, was first used in the boozing-bout sense exactly 200 years ago. And that, shurely, calls for a schelebration.
The Flaws of Nature:
And the perils of indecision. The latest musings of Stan Kelly-Bootle.
Multicolumnar ideas had been lurking like Greek temples in my so-called mind as 2008 came to an end. There are so many annual journalistic clichés available, looking back at all our past-years’ mistakes and resolving never to repeat them in 2009. One annoyance that I must get off my chest here and now: Can we ban such empty constructions as "X is much worse than you may think"? Or "Y is much simpler than many suppose"? We may never have thought of X one way or the other, or made suppositions about the ease of Y, yet we tend to nod and move on as though some meaningful proposition has been asserted; and, worse, that some judgment has been validated beyond dispute.
The Joy of Spam:
Embracing e-mail’s dark side
Not a day goes by that a large amount of spam doesn’t get past the two filters that I have in place. Most of this e-mail is annoying and some of it dangerous. But I have finally come to peace with spam and it no longer bothers me. How did I do that, you ask? I have learned to respect, even love, spam’s malicious beauty. I want to share my journey to inner peace, hopeful that you will find happiness, too.
There’s a Lot of It About:
And everybody’s doing it.
A lot of what, and about where? I hear you cry. One question at a time, I reply. First, there’s too much of everything these days, and, second, it’s happening all over. Furthermore, everybody’s doing it. As a contemporary Wordsworth might say: "The Web is too much with us, late and soon, getting and browsing we lay waste our powers." There is a glut of unfiltered information proving more dangerous than Alexander Pope’s "A Little Learning" where "shallow draughts intoxicate the brain."
Traipsing Through the QA Tools Desert:
Who’s really to blame for buggy code?
The Jeremiahs of the software world are out there lamenting, “Software is buggy and insecure!” Like the biblical prophet who bemoaned the wickedness of his people, these malcontents tell us we must repent and change our ways. But as someone involved in building commercial software, I’m thinking to myself, “I don’t need to repent. I do care about software quality.” Even so, I know that I have transgressed. I have shipped software that has bugs in it. Why did I do it? Why can’t I ship perfect software all the time?
Two Books Alike in Dignity:
Formal and informal approaches to C++ mastery
Woke up this morning ... surprised to find my Sennheisers still connecting ears to my new MacBook Pro, with iTunes set to blues genre in shuffle mode. Lest you think I’ve succumbed to the despicable placement temptation that seduces so many columnists and filmmakers in these pursy times, I’m reluctant to price the named products, plug their sources, or elaborate on the immense pleasure I derive from their splendid cost-effective performances. Suffice it to mention that the subliminal album playing all night was Broke, Black and Blue, Volume 1, available for 7.95 US dollars or 7.95 Apple pounds sterling.
Use It or Lose It:
Aphorisms in the abstract
My aphorisme du jour allows me to roam widely in many directions, some of which, I hope, will be timely and instructive for Queue readers. My choice of the French aphorisme is a justifiably elitist affectation, paying homage to Montaigne, Voltaire, Bertrand Meyer, and that cohue d’elegance. The Gallic gargled r (as in Brassens) and the sublime long final syllable, if you get them right, simply drip with class compared with the slovenly sequence of English diphthongs: a-for-iz-um. We tend to treat the terms aphorism and epigram as posh synonyms for maxim, motto, or even saying.
Vote Early, Vote Often:
An e-vote by any other name?
I usually shun clichés like the plague, but could not resist this oft-quoted slogan that sums up what I like to call Psephological Cynicism. Psephology is the huge and growing branch of mathematics (with frequent distractions from sociologists, psychologists, political scientists, and allied layabouts) that studies the structure and effectiveness of polling and electoral strategies. Related domains include probability and games theory, although, as well see, the subject has many far-from-playful implications.
Web Search Considered Harmful:
The top five reasons why search is still way too hard
Nowadays, when you find yourself utterly disgusted by “American Idol,” or any other of the latest “reality” shows on TV, you may decide, “What the heck, time to seek a slightly less horrible form of punishment: let’s get on the Web.”
When Bad People Happen to Good Games:
OK, so I admit it - not only am I a total closet gamer geek, I admit that I actually care enough to be bitter about it. Yep, that’s right - this puts me in the “big-time nerd” category.
But I think I have a lot of company, which sort of makes me feel better. In fact, at any given moment there are hundreds of thousands of people online playing games. Sure, some of them are playing very simple games like Yahoo! Checkers, and others are playing complicated realtime strategies like Blizzard’s Starcraft—but no matter what game they are playing, they are playing with other people. This is the real attraction of online games. No matter how good games get at so-called artificial intelligence, humans will always make more interesting teammates or opponents. That’s a good thing, but it’s also a bad thing.
Will the Real Bots Stand Up?:
From EDSAC to iPod—predictions elude us
When asked which advances in computing technology have most dazzled me since I first coaxed the Cambridge EDSAC into fitful leaps of calculation in the 1950s, I must admit that Apple’s iPod sums up the many unforeseen miracles in one amazing, iconic gadget. Unlike those electrical nose-hair clippers and salt ’n’ pepper mills that gather dust after a few shakes, my iPod lives literally near my heart, on and off the road, in and out of bed like a versatile lover—except when it’s recharging and downloading in the piracy of my own home.
Wireless Networking Considered Flaky:
You know what bugs me about wireless networking? Everyone thinks it’s so cool and never talks about the bad side of things.
Oh sure, I can get on the ’net from anywhere at Usenix or the IETF, but those are _hostile_ _nets_. Hell, all wireless nets are hostile. By their very nature, you don’t know who’s sharing the ether with you. But people go on doing their stuff, confident that they are OK because they’re behind the firewall.
Without a NULL That String Would Never End:
N-streak, 1-streak, worra streak
It’s an undiluted pleasure to be invited to contribute a third column for ’ACM Queue’ under the surly rubric “Curmudgeon.” Curmudgeons are not usually associated with pleasures, diluted or full strength, but at my age the cheap thrill of thrusting a poisoned pen is especially welcome since the targets for satire bob daily as upstart sitting ducks for the roasting: mere “Juvenal delinquents,” as master curmudgeon George Crabbe [sic] called them.
Words Fail Them:
Dedesignating and other linguistic hazards
A recent announcement on the closing of an English nudist beach (have I captured your attention so early?) concluded with an apology to "all the naturalists" affected. This upset the "bird watchers," both naturalists and naturists (nudge, nudge), as well as those "word watchers" devoted to gooder English. Miffed and bemused letters appeared in Sally Baker’s London Times Feedback column, the traditional sounding board for disgruntled pop grammarians.
You Can Look It Up: or Maybe Not:
Chasing citations through endless, mislabeled nodes
Many are said to have said, "If I can’t take it with me, I’m not going!" I’ve just said it, but that hardly counts. Who, we demand, said or wrote it first? It’s what I call (and claim first rights on) a FUQ (frequently unanswerable question, pronounced fook to avoid ambiguity and altercation). Yogi Berra’s famous advice was "You can look it up," meaning, in fact, "Take my word on this." He knew quite well that few had the means or patience to wade through the records. Nowadays, of course, as we quip in Unix, it’s easier done than sed.