Queue is published 6 times per year, with issues available via an app on iPhone and iPad and Android devices or via a browser-based 'digital edition' (DE).
ACM professional members have free access to the apps. Non-members can purchase an annual subscription for $19.99 or a single issue for $6.99 through the Apple or Google stores.
Volume 22, Issue 6 (November/December 2024) Table of Contents
Subscribers and ACM Professional members login here
The Price of Intelligence
LLMs have been enthusiastically embraced by AI systems, but often at the expense of overlooking their inherent risks—hallucinations, indirect prompt injection, and jailbreaks.
- Mark Russinovich, Ahmed Salem, Santiago Zanella-Béguelin, and Yonatan Zunger
Intermediate Representations for the Datacenter Computer
Two research projects out of UC Berkeley and UC Santa Cruz show how application programmers can be separated from mechanistic distribution details, allowing them to leverage fleets of computers without becoming experts in distributed computing.
- Achilles Benetopoulos
Systems Correctness Practices at AWS
The rigorous testing methods Amazon Web Services relies on in its development process have become increasingly valuable—not only for ensuring systems correctness but also for performance improvements.
- Marc Brooker and Ankush Desai, Amazon Web Services
Simulation: An Underutilized Tool in Distributed Systems
DevOps engineers may find it difficult to put simulation into practice, but the benefits are many. A case study using SimKube shows why simulation is a tool that should not be overlooked.
- David R. Morrison
Retrofitting: Principles and Practice
Retrofitting radically new functionality onto production software tests every skill of the programmers craft. A practical case study illuminates principles for bolting new tricks onto old dogs.
- Terence Kelly with special guest borer Aaron Su
Give Engineers Problems, Not Solutions
Engineers are puzzle-solvers. Don't tell them how to do it; let them figure it out. Both solutions and morale will improve
- Thomas A. Limoncelli
The Drunken Plagiarists
Despite all the hype, co-pilots have little to offer, whispering semantic nothings in your ear in somewhat inebriated fashion. KV says it's time to move on.
- George V. Neville-Neil
My Career-limiting Communication
Your boss has a question. Before you answer, remember every chance you have to engage is a chance for you to shine. Here are three tips for communicating well.
- Kate Matsudaira
ACM Members
ACM professional members have free, unlimited access to the acmqueue magazine app on iOS and Android, as well as to the browser-based digital edition.
Non-members have the option to join the ACM or subscribe to the magazine as an app or through their browsers, as explained below.
Click on your favorite merchant store below to subscribe or to order single copies or back issues for viewing on your preferred mobile app.

The app is free to download. ACM professional members can access issues by signing in to the app using their ACM account.
Non-members can purchase an annual subscription for $19.99 or a single issue for $6.99 through the Apple or Google store.
Subscription to the app does not grant access to the digital edition, and vice-versa.
Browser-based Digital Edition
Read acmqueue on your desktop.
One-Year Subscription: Begin a year-long subscription starting with the current issue.
Single Copies and Back Issues: See the Table of Contents of each issue and order single copies or back issues.
Read the first six pages of the latest issue here
Why is the text so small?
The maximum text size on newer, high-resolution (more than 2 megapixel) device screens may be too small for some individuals to read easily. Use the links above to preview the first six pages of an issue. If you find the text too small, you may prefer to use the browser-based version of the app until this problem is resolved.
I'm having trouble viewing the browser version of the app
Make sure you have the Flash plugin and JavaScript enabled. Try turning off any ad-blocking software. Make sure you're using one of the more recent browser releases. We suggest the minimums of Chrome 23, Firefox 19, IE 10, and Safari 5.
How do I log in to the browser version?
The user session for the app is not tied to myACM so you must log in separately.
The login screen only appears after you have advanced beyond the 6-page preview. When in the preview, click any of the links and you should see a prompt to log in.
How do I get a PDF of the issue?
We offer PDF versions of all articles. If you go to an individual article on the site, you should see a PDF icon in the upper right e.g. http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=2844732
Or, if you go to the table of contents for an issue in the Digital Library, you should see links to download PDFs for all articles in the issue e.g. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2838344&preflayout=flat
Or, if you log in to the browser version of the app, you should see a download icon in the upper right that will download the full PDF of the entire issue https://mydigitalpublication.com/publication?m=38068&l=1
Or, again in the browser version of the app, click the lower-right 'More' icon ("...") to reveal additional options, including a print function.
An additional option is to click the 'Contents' icon in the upper right (looks like the old Windows logo) which will pull up links to all articles without formatting or images. You may need to click the screen to expand the top and bottom menus to reveal the icons.
How do change my subscription?
ACM members should contact ACM (https://myacm.acm.org/dashboard.cfm) to update their passwords, renew subscriptions, etc.
iOS users should contact Apple to update their passwords, renew subscriptions, etc.
For all subscriptions and issue purchases for the Android and browser-version of the app, contact [email protected].
How do I get the navigation menu/panels to reappear?
Just tap the screen in an area that is not a link.
For the browser version, you may need to right-click. (ctrl-click on Mac).
Explain the members. non-members, subscription thing again?
ACM professional members (not student members, not users with plain web accounts) get full access to acmqueue on iOS, Android, or as a browser "app" (for lack of a better term). They simply login using their member account login.
Everyone else (non-members) have the choice of (a) joining the ACM and getting full access to acmqueue (among other things), (b) buying an annual subscription to the magazine as an iOS app, Android app, or browser app, or (c) buying a single issue, again as an app on their phone or browser.
Certain things look odd in Opera
The Opera browser is not supported, sorry. We only saw one CSS bug in Opera on Android, but otherwise it should still look the same as most other platforms.
I just found out my subscription has expired, why wasn't I notified?
ACM members's accounts are handled through the ACM https://myacm.acm.org/dashboard.cfm
iOS subscribers should be getting notification from Apple.
For Android subscribers and browser version subscribers there is currently no mechanism to remind them of subscription cancelations. Sorry.
I have a student ACM membership. Why can't I log in?
Unlimited access to acmqueue is granted to professional memberships only.
I have a subscription to the app. Can I use that to log in to the browser version?
No, subscription to the iOS app, Android app, and browser version do not permit access to either of the other versions.
For other questions, contact acmqueue at [email protected]