From Liability to Advantage: A Conversation with John Graham-Cumming and John Ousterhout:
Software production has become a bottleneck in many development organizations.
Software production (the back-end of software development, including tasks such as build, test, package and deploy) has become a bottleneck in many development organizations. In this interview Electric Cloud founder John Ousterhout explains how you can turn software production from a liability to a competitive advantage.
Arm Your Applications for Bulletproof Deployment: A Conversation with Tom Spalthoff:
Companies can achieve a reliable desktop environment while reducing the time and cost spent preparing high-quality application packages.
The deployment of applications, updates, and patches is one of the most common - and risky - functions of any IT department. Deploying any application that isn’t properly configured for distribution can disrupt or crash critical applications and cost companies dearly in lost productivity and help-desk expenses - and companies do it every day. In fact, Gartner reports that even after 10 years of experience, most companies cannot automatically deploy software with a success rate of 90 percent or better.
Unified Communications with SIP:
SIP can provide realtime communications as a network service.
Communications systems based on the SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) standard have come a long way over the past several years. SIP is now largely complete and covers even advanced telephony and multimedia features and feature interactions. Interoperability between solutions from different vendors is repeatedly demonstrated at events such as the SIPit (interoperability test) meetings organized by the SIP Forum, and several manufacturers have proven that proprietary extensions to the standard are no longer driven by technical needs but rather by commercial considerations.
Making SIP Make Cents:
P2P payments using SIP could enable new classes of micropayment applications and business models.
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is used to set up realtime sessions in IP-based networks. These sessions might be for audio, video, or IM communications, or they might be used to relay presence information. SIP service providers are mainly focused on providing a service that copies that provided by the PSTN (public switched telephone network) or the PLMN (public land mobile network) to the Internet-based environment.
Decentralizing SIP:
If you’re looking for a low-maintenance IP communications network, peer-to-peer SIP might be just the thing.
SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is the most popular protocol for VoIP in use today.1 It is widely used by enterprises, consumers, and even carriers in the core of their networks. Since SIP is designed for establishing media sessions of any kind, it is also used for a variety of multimedia applications beyond VoIP, including IPTV, videoconferencing, and even collaborative video gaming.
SIP: Basics and Beyond:
More than just a simple telephony application protocol, SIP is a framework for developing communications systems.
Chances are you’re already using SIP (Session Initiation Protocol). It is one of the key innovations driving the current evolution of communications systems. Its first major use has been signaling in Internet telephony. Large carriers have been using SIP inside their networks for interconnect and trunking across long distances for several years. If you’ve made a long-distance call, part of that call probably used SIP.
A Conversation with Cullen Jennings and Doug Wadkins:
Getting the lowdown on SIP
In our interview this month, Cisco Systems’ Cullen Jennings offers this call to arms for SIP (Session Initiation Protocol): "The vendors need to get on with implementing the standards that are made, and the standards guys need to hurry up and finish their standards." And he would know. Jennings has spent his career both helping define IP telephony standards and developing products based on them. As a Distinguished Engineer in Cisco’s Voice Technology Group, Jennings’s current work focuses on VoIP, conferencing, security, and firewall and NAT traversal.